Sunday, January 29, 2012

SATAN WAS A LESBIAN! -- Sleazeball "Literature" Pt 1

ADVISORY: If you are offended by the content of this blog -- don’t complain – I’m offended by it too.

SATAN’S DAUGHTER by Jan Hudson (1961)
“Desperately, passionately in love with Randy, Jerry thought he had found happiness – until he ran headlong into a leather – jacketed band of cruel, lusting wanton, twisted he-women… one of whom wanted Randy even more than he!”

SATAN WAS A LESBIAN by Fred Haley (1966)

BODY OR SOUL by Royal Peters (1948)
“An amazing novel of a woman’s surrender to an unnatural lover”

CELL – BLOCK SEX by Toni Wray (1967)

EVE’S APPLE by Ronald Simpson (1961)
Lamson U. gave Hobie an education, but Eve made a man of him”

ABNORMALS ANONYMOUS by Stella Gray (1964)
“Never had so desperate a group of humans bonded together … ABNORMALS ANONYMOUS

HALF CASTE by John B. Thompson (1959)
“Danger waited – but so did a young, yellow girl, a sensuous blonde and a bewitching half – caste, in the end his chills all turned to thrills…!”
“A cloak an dagger yarn replete with high adventure and sizzling sex, don’t miss it! – Orrie Hitt”

RECKLESS VIRGIN by Glen Watkins (1949)
“A reckless young woman caught up in a web of passion!”
(I guess I’m naïve – had someone asked me, the best cover blurb I could have come up with for this title would be “Don’t let her drive your car.”)

FORBIDDEN FRUIT by Curtis Lucas (1958)
“She was white – he was not!”
“A compelling novel of a boy and a girl in love – facing the great question of racial integration.”

PRISONER OF EVIL by Don King (1965)
“Fifteen year old Julie, sentenced to a girls reformatory, trapped in an institution that brims over with tortures, whippings, and degrading sex acts, the jailed teenager is subjected to every sexual perversion imaginable!”

1 comment:

  1. I am looking to buy a coy of Stella Gray's abnormal's anonymous. Any advice on where I can find a good condition option?
